Search Results for: italian

Get Pretty Perfection with the best Pizzelle Makers

Get Pretty Perfection with the best Pizzelle Makers

We call pizzelle makers mini waffle irons. Originating from Italy, pizzelle, or pizzelle cookies, are known to be thin and crispy with waffle-like patterns. There are plenty of recipes to make with this appliance such as simple cookies, but also ice cream sandwiches or cannelloni. You don’t need to be an Italian mama, but it…

Our Amazon Prime Review Reveals 15 Secrets of this Awesome Subscription

Our Amazon Prime Review Reveals 15 Secrets of this Awesome Subscription

Getting an Amazon Prime membership is a great way to enjoy shopping with the world’s top online seller. It has many perks and is ideal for those who want in on special sales like Amazon Prime Days and Black Friday. We think it has great value. That is why we have done this Amazon Prime…

Whisk up a Dash of Nostalgia with Retro Small Kitchen Appliances

Whisk up a Dash of Nostalgia with Retro Small Kitchen Appliances

Retro and vintage are hot! There is nothing better than nostalgia that meets modern functionality.  Vintage-inspired appliances don’t only have a nostalgic appeal, but they add charm to any kitchen, from industrial and modern to Scandinavian and farmhouse style.  Retro pieces and tools are inspired by 50’s and 60’s design incorporated with modern innovation, energy…

Campari Orange Granité – Sunset Citrus Bliss  in a Shot

Campari Orange Granité – Sunset Citrus Bliss in a Shot

A granité is a dessert or it can be served as a palate cleanser in between courses. This four-ingredient recipe can be made easily.  What is granité? Granité or granita is of Italian origin and this frozen dessert is very similar to sorbet, without the need of a machine. The texture of granité is coarse…

The Great American Menu: 7 Classic Dishes in US Cuisine

The Great American Menu: 7 Classic Dishes in US Cuisine

Unleashing the flavour potential of American gastronomic delights, from the iconic hamburger to the homely apple pie and beyond, we dive into understanding how these classic dishes became a significant part of US cuisine. Although we have personally never been in the US, we have a lot of American friends who introduced lots of American…

Fava Beans with Tomato Concasse and Soft-Boiled Eggs

Fava Beans with Tomato Concasse and Soft-Boiled Eggs

Fava beans, also called broad beans, like other vegetables are high in protein, fibre, minerals and vitamin C. Eating these beans can boost your body’s immunity and help maintain a healthy digestive system. How to store fava beans or broad beans Fresh, unshelled broad beans can easily be stored in a plastic bag in the…