Campari Orange Granité – Sunset Citrus Bliss in a Shot
A granité is a dessert or it can be served as a palate cleanser in between courses. This four-ingredient recipe can be made easily.

What is granité?
Granité or granita is of Italian origin and this frozen dessert is very similar to sorbet, without the need of a machine. The texture of granité is coarse and flaky, and looks a little like snowflakes! There is a certain crunch but it melts quickly in your mouth while leaving you with a refreshing, long lasting taste.
How to make granité?
There is no exact recipe to make granité as the base can vary depending on the ingredients being used, whether it’s a liquid as in our recipe, or whether fruit or puree is used. The sweetness or sourness is another factor that can influence the recipe, especially when using fresh fruit.
When to scrape the granité?

Some recipes say to scrape as the granité freezes. It is surely a good technique to apply when it is an alcohol free version with juice only. If there is alcohol involved, the granité will never be too hard and can be scraped into icy flakes with a fork when completely set.

Campari Orange Granité
EQUIPMENT (click pictures for details)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup water
- 3 cups orange juice
- 1 cup campari
- ¼ cup lemon juice
- Dilute the sugar in the water.
- Combine the sugar water with the other ingredients. Pour in a container and freeze overnight.
- Use a fork to scrape the granité and serve the iced flakes.
- Having the juices well cooled helps to speed up the process. Once the entire mixture is cool put it in the freezer.