Eating Healthy On a Budget – 5 Tips And Tricks

Eating healthy, nutritious food can be expensive, especially if you’re living with a health condition like diabetes or heart disease. Not only will you worry about medication bills, but you’ll also have to set a budget for the diet your doctor advises. A balanced diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, is vital for good health. Although purchasing food products with all these nutritional aspects can strain your finances, there are ways you can enjoy these benefits without spending too much. 

eating healthy on a budget

It’s worth noting, that eating on a budget doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your nutrition. With good planning, you can enjoy your nutritious meal without spending tons of money. For example, if you’re looking to go on a keto diet, you’ll need to know where to invest your money to avoid wastage. Not sure which food products are keto-friendly? There are many online sources like Proper Good from which you can get this crucial dietary information. 

That said, here are some of the most effective tips for eating healthy on a budget.

1.     Plan your healthy meals

Planning is essential in any money-saving strategy. Writing a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly menu is a great way to ensure you meet your nutritional needs. Start with a weekly plan and set a menu for each day. Now go through your fridge and groceries, see what you don’t have, and make a list.  

Doing so will help you focus only on those you require, which can go a long way in helping you save money. Fortunately, today you don’t need to visit the shop physically to make your purchase. Online stores and websites like allow you to order online. All you need to do is pick whatever you want, checkout, and wait for the items to be shipped. Plus, most of these online food products only require a few minutes of warming.

2.     Cook large portions at home and store leftovers

While purchasing readymade food is time-saving, some may still be costly in the long run. In addition, most of the food you buy from restaurants or mobile food trucks may not meet your needs. And if you were to pick a menu that meets your nutritional needs, you’ll still likely spend more money. 

Therefore, it would be best to cook your food at home. To save some time as you save money, cook large portions that can serve you for the rest of the week. All you’ll need to do is either warm or add a few ingredients, and you’ll be good to go. If there are some leftovers, you can use them for the next meal or as ingredients. This approach can save you time and also reduce wastage.

3.     Buy frozen or canned meals

Purchasing some food or ingredients in a less-processed form can also be affordable. For instance, canned or frozen fruits and vegetables can be considered healthy alternatives to fresh produce. You can easily add these ingredients to your meals. The good thing is that you’ll often find these products being sold in large quantities. As such, you’ll be able to save a lot of money.

While at it, it’s crucial to consider some general rules. Prioritise canned food that comes with water rather than syrup. Also, avoid any food with added sugar, salt, butter, or cream sauce. Although these additives help with the flavour, they may not be friendly to your health. 

4.     Grow your own produce

If possible, grow your own fruits and vegetables to save money and have fresh produce. Seeds are cheaper to buy. If you don’t have a garden, that won’t be a problem since fruits and vegetables can grow in pots or even on balconies. The constant supply of the crops can save you money and guarantee freshness.

eating healthy on a budget

5.     Use coupons wisely

Coupons are a great way to save money if you have your shopping list planned out. There are a lot of coupons you can avail of each year, and with that, you’re likely to find one that suits you. With the growing number of online stores, it’s become a lot easier to find great deals. 

Your local store may also have great deals that could meet your needs. Such coupons can help you save money the next time you go shopping for groceries. Be sure to check any relevant online posts constantly.


Eating on a budget doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be ignoring your nutrition. You can have a healthy meal without spending a lot of money. Start by planning your meals and making a grocery list before going to the store. Then, cook large meals to save time and money and use any leftovers for your next meal. If you wish to add fruits to your meal, you can go for frozen fruits and vegetables.   

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